Do not ask for ROM hack suggestions without being specific.
These are threads where the only content is you showing a team preview, showing a shiny you found/caught, or pixel art not related to any hacks at all, meaning fusions and resprites that are not likely to be put in a hack. No team screenshots, shiny screenshots, or pictures of non-ROM-hack-related sprite art.Criticism and feedback threads are all right, as long as it's a legitimate call for feedback. No posting "idea" threads, where you describe an idea and hope someone takes it and makes your hack for you, or if you have not made any progress starting your hack.
Please contact the moderators if you have any questions. This includes fangames (RPG Maker or similar), Pokémon GO cheats, and general Pokémon/gaming surveys.
Do not post something unrelated to ROM hacks in some way. This includes, but is not limited to, hacks and ROM bases, and also includes piracy/archival/filesharing site names. Do not, under any circumstances, post links or ask for links to full ROM downloads. You can battle and catch rare Pokemon that you wouldn’t normally encounter in the game.It’s a great way to explore new strategies and techniques.You can customize the game to make it even more unique and interesting.It adds a unique twist to the game, making it more challenging and exciting.Benefits of Playing Pokemon Black 2 Randomizer For example, you can choose to have only rare Pokemon appear or to have certain types of Pokemon appear more often.Welcome to /r/PokemonROMhacks, where you can find, create, and discuss hacks of Pokémon games. You can also customize the game to make it even more unique. You can choose from a variety of different Pokemon types, levels, and movesets to make your game more interesting. The randomizer works by randomly generating new Pokemon for you to battle and catch. How Does Pokemon Black 2 Randomizer Work? With the randomizer, you can choose different Pokemon types, levels, and even movesets to make your game more challenging and exciting. It’s a great way to spice up your Pokemon Black 2 experience and make it a unique adventure.
Pokémon Randomizer is a tool made by Dabomstew, that fiddles with a Pokémon ROM file and randomizes it according to what the user set. So when you have this code activated, and press R in the game, it randomizes all the wild encounter pokemon.Pokemon Black 2 Randomizer is a fan-made game that randomly generates different Pokemon for you to catch and battle. It is able to randomize wild Pokémon appearances, Pokémon used by Trainers, and even the Pokémon themselves, being able to wield completely random Abilities, Moves and Types.